I got tagged by Mandy. I am new to the whole blogging world and am still trying to find what I want this to be... therefore this is coming rather late.10 years ago I was
... living in teh Glenwood with some of my best friends and my brother Mark at BYU. I was only a little over six months off my mission. Even so, I already had one friend that was engaged and close to marriage and another one close on his heals. By this time, I think even Pat was participating in Group Scripture Study...
5 Things on my To Do List for Today and Possibly Tomorrow:
Finish a business plan
Finish module five on the Church's Feedback Lesson
Run and lift
Network for new position
Possibly receive a haircut by the world famous Jess
7 Things I'd Do If I Became A Billionaire:
Set the financial future for my family and myself - Trusts, IRAs, Savings, pay off loans... etc.
Create a microcredit NGO for Brazil
Build up Capitol to Push Giv Clothing forward
Go get my PhD
Go Back to Brazil
Visit all of my friends and family, or possibly just take everyone on a trip around the world.
Donate seriously large amounts to the Perpetual Fund Fund
7 Places I Have Lived:
Provo, UT
Chicago, IL
Spokane, WA
Fortaleza, Brazil
Jerusalem, Israel
Phuket, Thailand
Salt Lake City, UT
5 Jobs I have Had:
Client Development
Research Associate
Leadership Development
2 Bad Habits:
Leaving room messy
Watching too much tv
Things Most People Don't Know About Me:
I don't like being told what to do though I can be a good follower... I have rules about singing in the car, for myself and others... I have been over 80 Mph on roller blades...